Weight Watchers

weight watchersI’ve recently plucked up the courage to join Weight Watchers. I did the dog on it during my pregnancy and went way over the recommended weight gain.

A line has been drawn and now I’m in the right frame of mind to lose the weight.

Week 3:

It’s my third week and I’ve lost 6 pounds in 2 weeks which is pretty good going. Once I started to log everything I ate, it became apparent that I was still ‘Eating for 2″ even though there was only one of me.

Week 6:

I’ve lost a STONE!! I cannot believe it! I’m so so close to getting back in to pre pregnancy jeans!

Week 11:

I’m now back to my pre pregnancy weight! Now to be fair I still have the mum tum but there is no better feeling after a year of feeling huge than fitting comfortably back in to my clothes! My next mission is to hit my wedding weight!

Weight watchers dublin

Reached my goal!

4 Months later:

Wow! I’ve just reached my pre-pregnancy goal weight! That means I get a blingtastic gold card and don’t have to pay unless I go 5 pounds up or down on my goal weight! I actually cannot believe it. Ladies, it works! I’m living proof of that. Over the last 2 months I stopped counting all of my food and just lived normally. I’d have my treats but I the weekly weigh in kept manners on me so if I had a bad day, id make sure I got out for a walk.

There are a good few ladies in the class preparing for their wedding and are motivated to look and feel their best. There was one girl that lost a whopping 6 stone in one year, yes 6 stone! She looks unreal!

What I love about weight watchers is that you have 2 options. The first option is the old school way of counting points on everything you eat or your second option is to do a no count similar to another weight loss organisation. You have the best of both worlds. I didn’t lose as much weight on any weight loss plan as I have on weight watchers. I opted for the old school count plan.

There is no bigger motivation than a wedding to lose weight. I have a few weddings this summer and that’s what’s motivating me.

My advice for joining weight watchers is that you really have to mentally be there and by that I mean you have to be in the zone. There’s no point in burning €10 a week if you’re not 100% committed to shifting those pesky pounds. My class is in Blanchardstown Village and Catherine Flanagan is the leader. I must say, she is really great and was a Weight Watchers success story herself. I’ve never seen a meeting as packed as hers.

I have an allocation of 30 points per day and then a weekly supplement of 35 which I always blow on the Saturday or Sunday!

A sample day looks like this:


x2 slices of low fat bread & chopped banana = 2 points

x1 Glass of orange juice = 5 points (if i’m tight on points, I swap for a zero point actual orange!)


Slimmers roll with cheese, ham, lettuce, tomato and mayo = 4/5 points

Low fat natural yoghurt = 3 points


Apple, Plum or Kiwi = all free

Weight watchers chocolate brownie bar = 2 points


Weight Watchers recipe of Balsamic Chicken Pizza (so yummy) 8 points

Salad = zero points

Or sometimes i do the weight watchers home made chips and they are only 5 points


x2 Ginger Nut Biscuits = 2 points

As you can see, i’m not starving! If i still have points from my weekly allowance I might throw in a glass of wine or trade up the oul Ginger Nuts to a nice bar of chocolate!

One of the tips I got from the girl that lost the 6 stone is that rain, hail, sleet or shine, she goes for a 5km walk every evening and i’ve been doing that and at weekends trying to get to 10km.

I made it through Paddy’s weekend, a holiday and Easter weekend without depriving myself too!


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